Memorandum of Association:
We ,the allopathic MD/MS doctors/DNB doctors educated in India or abroad in various fields of medicine hereby resolve in the interests of improving the sciences of medicine and allied medical sciences in national interest as here under-
● We will help mankind in general and indian public in particular in assisting in natural or man made calamities, and work for disaster prevention and preparedness.
● It shall approve the syllabi of various sub-sciences periodically and decide eligibility criteria’s for speciality and superspeciality teachers and advise the MCI, DCI, NCI and UGC in consultations with other doctor institutions appropriately. MD,MS,DNB doctors will have the primary right to practice branches of medicine and surgery and diagnostic sciences and will have the first right to prescribe standards and regulate medical education system.
● We shall come together annually to elect a Presidents, Vice Presidents, and other office bearers of this association to serve the cause of medical community ,who will give regular guidance and solve the burning academic problems of the association members in general and other problems as per bye-laws.
● The annual general body will decide and approve plans of expenditure, and chart out course of development for a period of next one year.
● In the interests of maintaining medical standards in the country, the association resolves to disallow MSc, PhDs who happen to be inadequately trained ,or at times totally not trained in basics of Medicine or surgical or gynecological or diagnostic medical sciences hence called as non medical teachers to act as syllabus setters or gain entry into the academic administration of medical universities or other universities established in private sector as Registrar Examination and similar posts.
● The association shall not allow MSc persons to act as head of laboratories as the diagnosticians, as the association contests their ability to do a proper differential workup or diagnosis and has serious doubts about their clinical and diagnostic knowledge hitherto untested by proper examination system as exists for MD/MS/DNB.
● In the interests of maintaining medical standards in the country, the association resolves to disallow MSc, PhDs who are not trained in basics of Laboratory medicine, and are not trained appropriately enough to act as diagnosticians or medical teachers or postgraduate examiners to MD/MS/DNB examinations /BDS examinations or guidance to MDS or MDS examination or ICMR studentships, as has been happening in the new age universities of India.
● Association shall safe guard the interests of diagnostic laboratories and shall seek to set up and guard appropriate laboratory standards in interests of the Indian people, as improperly trained persons cannot be allowed to gain access to or perform patient treatment, management or diagnostic workups or diagnostic medical reporting.
● It will offer consultancy to various universities or colleges or institutions who seek consultation/advice and specialist doctors of this association shall be encouraged to attend programmes for continuous professional advance and get necessary certifications as to enable these doctors to be at par with best of the doctors/faculty in the world.
● The association in its regular meets at various locations not restricted to urban areas of India, focus on various issues relevant to medical practice.
● We will help organize specialist doctors and formulate current medical opinions and conduct relevant seminars, CMEs, symposia's in this regard.
● We will act as professional guardians of MD /MS/DNB/Medical diploma doctors regarding their professional rights and represent Doctors at various levels in India and abroad.
● Will seek institutional membership of international association like World medical academy and other international bodies.
● We will participate in syllabus forming of various faculties under MCI,DCI,NCI guidelines.
● We shall resolve at our regular meetings to form appropriate bodies/wings to regulate/organize or upgrade working conditions in various branches of medical sciences.
● For the purpose of regular medical advances, we will resolve to establish, periodically, institutes or training facilities to conduct training or research to help our MD, MS, and DNB, Medical diplomas to attain professional competence and excellence and conduct regular examinations under international and national supervision.
● We will take appropriate, timely steps in implementing measures with help of various fellow medical associations in national interest and international health concern.
● The association shall seek to regulate the quality of medical teachers in India by representing to Medical and other councils in India and abroad and reform the system in accordance with the broad wishes of the MD/MS/DNB fraternity felt needs. It shall take up with appropriate courts, governments and councils in this endeavor.
● Present pathetic working conditions and non medical teacher encouragement /appeasement have been noted by the association seriously and the association will not allow unqualified teachers to pollute the age old system of medical education just to proliferate the number of medical institutions.
● We shall partner with indian medical association, Indian dental association, association of medical biochemists of india, indian nursing association, association of physicians of india and every other medical physician surgical or gynecological association of national standing in bettering the causes of medical education in general and creation of a disease controlled india in particular, with rational drug use and use of appropriate medical technology of the time.
● We will also partner with research associations of relevance like department of Indian council of medical research to enhance focus on research activities with relevance to society and prevent copycat research in pre-para clinical sciences which is now neither bringing glory to these departments nor has alleviated the suffering of millions of the ailing Indians or has done justice to amount of resources spent to write a copycat paper or dissertation work for MD and especially PhD.
● At the end of 50 years of existence of this association the association should have fostered path breaking inter departmental research work and should have produced Nobel prize winners in medicine, physiology or biochemical pathology and other medical sciences, since we note that public money has gone to drains since past 50 years post independence from indian governments and medical/ dental colleges/hospitals. Lack of proper focus in developing centers of medical competence and excellence and lack of proper funding to the proper medical MD in doing quality research has failed the cause of medical research in india and we plan to identify, prevent such event.
● The association is anti quackery in Clinical sciences or in practice of laboratory services. Inadequately qualified persons shall not certify lab reports as per Indian High courts.
● This association realizes the excellent contributions of the IMA,QPMPA,IDA,API,IAP ,AMBI and other professional bodies in assisting the cause of MD/MS/DNB /Medical diploma holders across India. But IMA, QPMPA have their own vision and spheres of working and cater to a different group of allopathic physicians in that they serve the cause of MBBS graduates.
● We plan to serve the Postgraduates of India in particular since, growing number of postgraduates and PG aspirants desire a lot from Indian medical setups. We will, remaining in IMA,and QPMPA and other previous parent bodies, strive for the cause of Doctors.
● Multi pronged approach which shall supplement, complement actions of IMA, QPMPA, IDA, API, IAP, AMBI and other professional bodies like IMC,DCI,NCI, should get a better reach to Indian public.
● The association will act as a broad based body of specialist doctors in India and will encourage the growth of nascent fields of medical sciences like metabolic medicine ,interventional radiology etc.
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